Meet Veronica Bryksa
Five years ago, I was on maternity leave from a career I worked hard to achieve with a beautiful growing family and home. Despite that, I was feeling lost in the shuffle of daily life. Then, someone innocently asked me, “Aside from spending time with your family, what do you do….for fun?” And it hit me. I couldn’t answer that question beyond, “I like to watch The Bachelor and drink the occasional Cab Sauv.”
Nothing against good wine and TV, but in that moment I knew deep-down that I was missing a piece of myself. I lost it to the routine; to the cop-out of being the mother of young children and being tired 24/7; to being wrapped-up in getting to the next task. I wasn't seeing the magic in everyday life.
It was in that moment, I decided to embark on an adventure to reclaim my “self” through exploring my creative side. With a New Year approaching, I started a secret Instagram account to keep myself accountable and to showcase (to complete strangers) my attempt to pick-up a paintbrush again, after a long 18 years.
Immediately after welcoming art back into my life, I started to look at life with a new lens. It was the therapy I didn’t know I needed. I became wrapped up in it. I saw something beautiful and wondered, how could I paint that? I began noticing the combinations of colours in nature and thought about how to mix paints to create that colour. This new hobby of mine brought me new life. It gave me a deeper sense of who I am and for once, I really feel like I found what I was meant to do. I soon learned art wasn’t just a hobby after all.
Slowly I took courses, built-up my art supply stash (it’s still growing!) and when I discovered the art of surface pattern design I was hooked! I signed up to Bonnie’s Immersion course and brought my skills to a whole new level. I felt like I was getting the secrets from a caring veteran of the industry and the amount of passion she brings to the table is unsurpassed. The resources I found in Immersion and now my ongoing Membership to Flourish have given me the skills to feel confident and able to chase after my dreams.
After over a year of soaking in all the surface pattern design lessons and modules, painting daily and finding my artistic voice, and really honing in on my brand, I am SO ready and SO excited to bring all that Bonnie and her team has taught me to fruition. I have BIG plans for 2022 and I look forward to expanding my brand this year. Here I am, a confident artist and business owner with a clear vision and voice, chasing my wildest dreams. Dreaming bigger every day and learning along the way.