Meet Tracy Krauter
I finally learned Illustrator! And I got new inspiration for my already mature business. I am now able to design my own prints for my products and I am selling more fabric than I ever dreamed of.
Eight years ago, I fell in love with eco-friendly laminated cotton and started a new company, Splash Fabric, to make tablecloths aprons, and bags. My biggest problem? I couldn’t find prints I liked, so I had a great idea: I’ll learn fabric design and make my own.
I took a leap and joined Immersion in 2022. There were times I wanted to give up and thought I’d never get proficient, but I continued to do one thing a day.
Now I have the confidence and the tools to tackle complex designs and a whole world of opportunity has opened up for me. This year, I have decided to sell my product business to devote myself more to fabric design. I have a solid group of true friends from my study group that still meets weekly. It’s a wonderful journey we are all on and we learn from each other.