Meet Nina Rycroft

50k+ australia books education financial security full-time creative illustration location freedom side hustle time freedom

​​I teach character design and children’s picture book illustration and had no prior Adobe Illustrator or Surface Pattern Design experience. I wanted to learn a new skill that would hopefully lead to a new side hustle. I’d been wanting to do the course for five years, and finally, I had the time. 

I separated from a 25 year marriage and moved country during the course. During this chaotic time, the Immesion course was my anchor. Creating art helped me stay positive through a very difficult and uncertain time. 

It was healing for me to create lots of art. I gained confidence learning new skills. I then went on to build an online membership and learned how important it was to build and nurture my own creative community.

My favorite part of the course was the “Lives.” I watched all of these, and it was lovely to get to know Bonnie, her Mum and Dad and all the personal experiences she shared across the 8-weeks.

Since completing the Immersion course, I now have a regular reoccurring income for me and my son. I have been able to set up a new life here in Adelaide, and I feel confident that I can do this!

If someone is on the fence about joining immersion, I would tell them to take this moment to invest in yourself!