Meet Mindy Young

6-figure business beginner financial security flourish membership full-time creative immersion course 2019 licensing pod united states

I’m a watercolor artist who was a self taught pattern designer selling my designs on Spoonflower before I found Bonnie and her programs. I created all my designs in photoshop and didn’t know a lick about illustrator or the design business. I wanted to learn more about surface pattern design as I started to get asked about licensing my designs. That’s when I found Bonnie on Skillshare.

I loved everything about her and her Skillshare videos. She then offered her Immersion program, I knew it was something I needed to take. I’d never invested time or money in pattern design before our side of Skillshare, Immersion was the best money I’ve spent. I took immersion and it has CHANGED MY LIFE. I do believe it was the cornerstone to the success I have worked for.

In Immersion, I was able to learn the business of surface pattern design, as well as everything and anything you need to know technically about surface pattern design. It’s opened lots of new opportunities for me and took me from a self taught wingin’ it designer to a full time 6 figure business owner.

My husband quit his job last year to help me run my business and now we are successfully running a multi 6 figure business together. Immersion, flourish, and being in the mastermind this last year, has been the best investment for my business.

If you are wanting to truly do the work and change your life, Bonnie’s programs are 100% the way to do it. I’m so thankful for the way my life has been blessed. I’ll forever be grateful to Bonnie and how kind she is with sharing her knowledge with me.