Meet Lauren Lozano
“Before I started my journey with Surface Pattern Design, I had no idea that it was even a thing! I started 2023 with the goal of cultivating my art dream, whatever that was. It was like I had all these puzzle pieces but they were all flipped face down. I knew I wanted to create a life where I could be my own boss while being creative and sharing my art with the world. I've always imagined that one day I would see my designs in Target. How? I had no idea...until Bonnie came to my feed.
I took her free Surface Pattern mini course, and the puzzle pieces started flipping over and I could see the dream ready to be put together. Though I've never made such a big investment on myself, I decided to take the leap because I knew deep within my heart that this WAS my path. This is what my heart has been desiring to do all along. With each module in the course, pieces of the puzzle kept being put into place and the picture was becoming more clear of what I was meant to do. Immersion truly sets you up for everything you could possible need to thrive as a Surface Pattern Design from beginning to end, and a whole lot of extra in between. Since Immersion, I've completed my first 100 patterns and built my confidence in Illustrator beyond what I already knew. On the horizon, this year I'm working on building my portfolio and launching my email list.”