Meet Katie Morrow

canada fabric flourish membership graphic design immersion course 2021 immersion course 2022 intermediate user kitchen textiles pod

I gained so much from taking the Immersion course. It has brought me so much joy, creative confidence, and inspiration. Before January 2021, I was completely new to Surface Pattern Design, working as a corporate graphic designer and feeling creatively uninspired. I was so drawn to Bonnie and Immersion. 

That year, I took Immersion for the first time and have been so proud of my development since then, all while working full time. Just over 12 months after graduating from Immersion, I completed a full body of work, designed a portfolio, pitched it to companies, and signed my first licensing deal with a fabric company! In the past year, I have signed another license and am compiling a new list of dream clients to reach out to. 

I truly don’t think that I would be where I am if not for Bonnie’s step-by-step method and the Immersion Course. If you are in a position to take Immersion I would say definitely do it. I already had a grasp of Illustrator from my schooling, but I still learned so much about the robust capabilities of the program and how to use them to make work I am really proud of. My goal this year is to expand on the creative entrepreneur aspect of my business and I’m looking forward to developing a 3-year plan of becoming a full-time creative!