Meet Joanne Avison

author beginner editorial education flourish membership full-time creative illustration immersion course 2022 united kingdom

I am an author in the field of yoga and anatomy and fascia; which is like the "fabric" for the living human body. I am also a manual therapist and yoga therapist. In September 2021, I received a breast cancer diagnosis which stopped me in my tracks and gave me the opportunity to turn toward my passion and learn to illustrate "properly". 

Before I joined immersion, I was worried that I wasn't smart enough to understand the programme and that I was too old (61 at the time) to really use it. When we were assigned our Study Groups, I was very nervous - however, it gave me the opportunity to slowly relax, ask questions and discover that everyone had their own unique way, style, and ability.    

Three amazing things happened:  

1) I followed Bonnie's adage of doing one thing each day and started sketching every day to simply relate to the artist inside of me and re-establish our lost relationship. 

2) I am doing my doctorate in Spiritual Science and I created a project called "A Doodle a Day Keeps me at play!". I enrolled 13 people in my study - including my Immersion Study Group. The fabulous outcome (besides the benefits of completing my thesis!) was that one of our group overcame her own difficulties by doing the project and is now producing the most stunning designs on Spoonflower in Adobe Illustrator.

3) My publisher saw the "daily drawings" I was doing through the Immersion Course and commissioned a series of 5 books on bodywork (for movement and manual practitioners) to be illustrated by me! The publisher wants them to be fun and exciting and light-hearted! I have to submit them in Adobe Illustrator (Thank Heaven I can do that!!).

I am so excited to complete these books and illustrations and turn them into something gorgeous that may excite and inspire others to move. It has so much potential and it has only just begun!