Meet Esther Newrick

55+ beginner flourish membership from zero! immersion course 2022 new zealand small business time freedom

Whilst doing Immersion I was seconded as a Learning and Discovery Librarian at the District Library. When my secondment ended I knew I couldn't face going back to my coordinator role so I resigned to focus fully on my art.

Prior to Immersion, I had never used Illustrator - I now use Illustrator, Procreate, and am beginning to dabble with Photoshop. When I left my job, I set myself a challenge of creating a pattern a day for 100 days. I have also been doing little things on the side like registering my website and learning how to set up a newsletter sign-up page.

For anyone sitting on the fence - I reckon you know if it's really what you want - and if it is spend the money on yourself - I have no regrets about the investment (time and money). I spent 10 years at the library feeling like an imposter, and now I feel like I'm where I am meant to be.