Meet Emily Ennulat-Lustine

55+ author fabric fine art flourish membership full-time creative home decor illustration immersion course 2020 licensing stationery time freedom united states wall coverings

I have been a fine art printmaker for over 25 years. Much of my fine art includes patterns, textiles, and nature alongside my figures, so it felt very natural and organic to discover the art of textile and pattern designing. 

In the fall of 2019, I found Bonnie's Immersion course online. It was a huge leap for me having no experience with Adobe software and being 55. I was an old-school, paper and ink and paint kinda gal. Computers frankly scared me. I was terrified! I had to buy a new computer, upload Adobe and literally start from scratch. I was concerned about the price, but I knew in my heart it was time to start investing in new skills. 

In Spring 2020, all the art shows were cancelled and the galleries where I was showing closed their doors. But now I had this lovely group of artists to share with and we had each other to lean on as the world was changing around us. I really don't know how I would have gotten through that year without Immersion and the community! 

Through Bonnie's gentle and patient guidance, as well as the help of her amazing team, I was creating repeat patterns within months. Within a year, a textile company invited me to create two collections! From there, I began creating products like journals, notecards, gift wrap, and silk scarves, and then had aprons and fabric napkins manufactured from my two collections. The community even encouraged me to finish my children's book as well!

Every month I was learning something new...not simply Adobe Illustrator, but marketing, branding, posting, licensing, etc. Annual planning has been a game-changer! I am about to release my first signature collection and am working on a wallpaper line! I was accepted to the Philadelphia Flower Show last year and will be in their new Makers' Market this March. I have also been looking for a boutique to open. 

If you are thinking about Immersion, but are just not sure, I promise you, you have no idea yet where this journey will take you until you leap. We all have certain desires and dreams of where we think we want to go. But investing in yourself and connecting with other creatives in a community like this will open you up to a whole world of experiences, ideas, challenges, inspiring topics, and so much more. Go with it! Lean into it! Take chances! Get a little uncomfortable! And know that this beautiful community will be there to catch you, encourage you, inspire you, and sometimes lovingly push you! You won't regret it!