Meet Draga Vino

advanced user education fabric flourish membership full-time creative illustration immersion course 2020 italy licensing mom stationery

I started following Bonnie's blog Going home to roost in 2014! I used to make jewellery back then as a hobby, so I asked Bonnie to be featured in the blog but at that time I wasn't the right fit for that blog, even though I felt some kind of connection to it and kept following it sometimes. In the meantime after giving up the stressful career of a landscape architect I gave up my creative dreams but I didn't give up my location and time freedom so I started working remotely as a photography editor. As my daughter was born, I had less and less time for creative expression as I was a homeschooling mom in a new country with a full time remote job.

That was quite hard and exhausting. One day a friend asked me to make some patterns for her. I was very good in using Adobe programs but I was always very insecure about drawing. At that moment the free course in surface pattern design appeared, I took it and instantly fell in love with spd. I knew I had to take the immersion course and that was the right decision at the right moment.

From the moment I started the Immersion course my life started slowly improving everyday. I changed my daily habits and started drawing regularly. I always felt so much support from the Flourish community and started creating in a completely new way with so much confidence. 

Since then I sold my first collection to a small maker of children's clothes (which is this friend who made me draw my first patterns :) ), started illustrating for different clients, published my first Skillshare class and made a Baby Calendar with another fellow flourisher :)

It is impressive how having clear goals and doing something even 15 min everyday can change you so much. I am so happy that I have found flourish and that that flourish found me!