Meet Christina Shinbori

flourish membership handbags/totes immersion course 2022 intermediate user lettering mom side hustle united states

After taking Immersion and completing my first collection of prints, I finally felt like I could call myself an artist. 

Before I started my journey with surface design, I was running my own small business making handmade denim bags from upcycled jeans. They featured patterns from Spoonflower designers and I told myself in a couple of years all my bags would feature my own artwork.

I took Immersion to get in-depth training on pattern making in Illustrator and to see if there were other ways to earn passive income. I graduated from the course with my own mini collection that I am still so proud of.

The course gave me the confidence to embrace my artistic skills and share them with the world.

I have printed my patterns on fabric to make tote bags, I had a pop-up shop this holiday season with products featuring my artwork, I created a custom pattern for my family’s holiday card, and I launched custom word of the year notebooks. 

Right now I’m looking forward to making lots of art, more pattern collections, pitching my work to brands I would love to work with, and working on my own line of handbags to launch this October!