Meet Chris Vabre

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In 2019 was working a full-time job in a 15-year+ retail management career, and  I had this big dream of designing fabric, stationary, and starting a POD shop. I had tried to learn surface design from many other teachers but couldn't seem to learn Adobe Illustrator. I was very discouraged when I decided to give Immersion a try in 2020. I kept getting signs that this was the course for me, but because it was a substantial investment, I hesitated for a year. 

After experiencing Immersion and working side by side with my new study group (we still meet weekly!), I knew that big things were possible for me, and I could do it much faster than I thought. 

The best part of Immersion was Bonnie's kind, patient, and nurturing teaching style, plus her unstoppable positivity and encouragement. It made me believe in myself and realize that I could live out my wildest dreams!

The skill I cherish the most from being an Immersion student is mastering my mindset through the Weeds and Seeds that keep me on track daily. This has made me strong and resilient to be able to bounce back after many challenges along the way. Using these beliefs to propel me forth has helped me make some big goals!

Since graduating from Immersion, I have quit my day job, built my own teaching site for watercolor students, and got licensed by a school for kids in San Francisco to produce a fashion illustration course. I've been a podcast guest on half a dozen shows, interviewed some amazingly successful creative women, I've revived and grown my YouTube channel with new consistent videos, hosted art challenges on social media, hosted live painting sessions via Zoom,  grown my following on Skillshare as a creative teacher and I've built a portfolio for my art and design work. I'm proud to say I've worked for Bonnie to support her students inside Immersion for two years, and I'm about to do a 3rd!

I would tell someone who's on the fence about joining Immersion just to do it! If it looks at all like a skill you want to learn, this is the place to do it. Not only is Bonnie the best teacher I've ever experienced, but the community is also the kindest, most supportive, and most helpful I've ever had the pleasure of growing with. Bonnie and her community continue to support me in ways I could not have imagined!

I am about to start a podcast and sell my first big course, the Confident Collection Creator. I want others to be able to feel what it's like to make those big goals and keep dreaming bigger. There is no limit to how high we can reach, and I can't wait to see what's next!