Meet Catherine Cavanaugh

beginner flourish membership immersion course 2022 side hustle united states

The Immersion Course has given me a purpose again and freedom! I have found joy in a new line of work and hope to transition to this fully in the future. 

Before Immersion 2022 I was desperately trying to figure out how to transition out of the medical field where I work as a physician. Serendipity brought me to Immersion and I have fully committed to the process over the last year.

What I appreciate most about Immersion is the encouragement to go at my own pace, and the fact that I can continually reference the lessons even now. In the last year, I have started creating art at least 3-4 times a week, came up with my business name, started an Instagram account, launched a website, delved into Pinterest a bit, and have made a mini-collection of 5 fabrics in 2 colorways. 

I would tell anyone interested in Immersion to take a chance on themselves. You never know what may come of it! Personally, I am so excited to see where this journey continues to lead.