Meet Betsy Mitten
Before Immersion I had been working for myself teaching innovative, integrated mixed age art classes that combined art and science, history, math, and language at a private school. I designed and taught the classes, managed one assistant and handled the business side. I've taught for decades and love it, but I've also wanted to learn how to design fabric digitally for years.
I've always loved fabric and sewing, and studied Textiles and Fibers at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago long before digital surface pattern design existed. I’d never been able to figure out how to create digital patterns or the tech on my own… after seeing a post about Bonnie’s Immersion, I signed up immediately!
I'm not tech adverse, but I need instruction that begins at the absolute beginning. I've worked almost my entire life but I either didn't need tech ( it hadn't been invented yet!) or my workplace had an awesome tech department. There was something about Bonnie's message that reassured me. The combination of Bonnie's clear and detailed teaching style, the transcripts, and the ability to slow the audio down was key for me. Plus the Q & A's, support team and my Peer Group meant there was never a question that went unanswered.
There have been so many positive changes since I took Immersion. First, I learned Adobe Illustrator (amazing!!) and was introduced to a wonderful supportive and creative community - many of whom have become great friends.
In between Immersion and now, I've designed patterns that I've sold as wallpaper, fabric, and on products through POD shops. I'm building out a teaching platform on ThriveCart and sold a video course as well as kits this past Holiday season. I've gained confidence teaching online starting with my first class for the Flourish Summer Series to now filming and editing my own tutorials and Skillshare classes. I've also reignited my love for observational drawing and am looking forward to incorporating it in my patterns and teaching.
I have tremendous pride in how I've stretched myself and a sense I can take on really challenging things and do them. I've also met the most wonderful people who have become great friends.
The best part of Immersion for me is that I’m excited to get to work each day! In the past I've either felt a career used only part of what I could offer or I would hit a place in a job, no matter how creative it was supposed to be, where I felt stifled. I never feel that way about the work I'm doing since taking Immersion. It's not always easy but it's always worth it. I love the wonderful supportive community, the flexibility, the potential to earn without a ceiling, and the freedom to combine what I love in a unique way that serves others!
The personal skill I cherish is my Mindset change. Mindset is always a work in progress but I love that Bonnie creates a space as well as sharing strategies to help us all develop the kind of mindset you need to reach our big goals.
Most recently I signed a contract to design and source tea towels, oven mitts, and note cards for a manufacturing company and have begun my second Skillshare Class. I’ve completed 3 collections and countless patterns, opened 2 POD shops, started a YouTube Channel, and published a Skillshare Class on Mini Box Collages. I've sent a consistent monthly newsletter for 3 years, had multiple brand photo shoots, been a guest on Ash Paggi’s Photo Brand Workshop, and participated in Bonnie’s Immersion Round Table 2023 and 60 x 60 Artist’s Resource. I've filmed multiple short mini tutorials and offered my first Skillshare class, Mini Box Collages on my own platform along with a kit! I’ve also been able to weave my love of travel and nature in with my art and pattern making and filmed several short “walking tour” segments for my newsletter community.
If I were to give advice on signing up for Immersion,I would say go for it! You can’t imagine how many wonderful things can happen and opportunities that are out there for you until you try. Your path will be unique to you, but Immersion gives you the tools and contacts to get on the road to your dreams. One of my tests for something, when I find myself hesitating because of cost, is that I take the total cost and divide it by the number of days in a year. If my math is right, Immersion comes out to be less than one latte a day. This exercise helps me keep things in perspective and not miss out on dreams.
I have a great feeling about 2024 and I’m excited to move forward with all of my plans!