Meet Becki Combs
I worked in the corporate world in finance and accounting until the pandemic.
Fast forward a couple of years when an advertisement caught my eye about a course called ‘Immersion.’ I decided to learn more about this world and enrolled in the course even though I had no art practice and the only art education I had was a class in high school. I have to admit, this was a pretty brave leap for me at the time.
I was completely overwhelmed when I first started the course. There were so many new terms and a completely new software package to learn! It was daunting, but I stuck with the modules. The best thing I have learned through this course is not to compare my work to other's work but to enjoy the fact we all create and have unique styles and approaches. This makes life fun!
I would encourage others to take Immersion if their interest is in design. This course is broader than just fabric design (which is wonderful). Also, no one should feel intimidated by others who may have more art experience than them. Art is in everyone’s soul!