Meet Ashlee Townsend
Before taking Immersion in 2020, I was working full-time and had been licensing my art to the stationery market for about 3 years. I worked primarily in Adobe Illustrator and knew the program okay, but I was really interested in diving deep and learning it inside and out.
At the time I had just had my first 5 figure income year from my licensing and was considering how I could expand. I was concerned about the price of the class overall, it was a lot for my family, but I knew that investing in myself was important so I took the leap.
Because of Immersion, not only did I improve my workflow and knowledge with Adobe illustrator but I can create and complete complex repeating patterns. I am able to create designs and finished products faster and I have a seamless workflow. I also have a core group of fellow designers that still meets twice a month. We hold each other accountable and work together as a mini mastermind.
Since Immersion, I have licensed over 65 stationery designs, and currently have 6 designs in Target stores. I have doubled my licensing income. I have launched a website and email list and am working on creating my first course teaching other creatives about greeting card design.